There are two new topics regarding new Corona subsidies:
1. “Überbrückungshilfen” – Bridging aid for self-employed persons
Every day new topics regarding Corona help – that is why I must bother you again with new information. Since today and until 2020-08-31 it is possible to apply for a bridging aid for the months June to August 2020 which can give you a refund of up to 80% of your recurring business-related costs (rent, interest for business-related loans, recurring accountancy & tax consultancy costs including the costs to apply for the bridging aid, recurring license fees, costs for staff, business-related insurances, costs for regular maintenance on business-related, and so on). The percentage of refund is calculated separately for each month after the percentage of turnover reduction in comparison to the same month the year before. The application for the subsidy must be done by a tax advisor or auditor.
The details are visible from the attachment – unfortunately all in German, an English version does not exist so far.
The main requirements to apply for bridging aid in a nutshell:
- You are mainly self-employed (including freelancers) which means that in 2019 you have earnt more than 51% of your income from your self-employed work,
- you must have started that work before 2019-11-01,
- you were not in economic trouble with that self-employment at 2019-12-31,
- you are German resident or your business is located in Germany,
- the sum of your German turnover (which is all turnover from delivery of goods plus all services you are providing which are done to businesses in Germany or private persons) in April & May 2020 was not more than 40% of the turnover in April & May 2019,
- and you are expecting your turnover for June, July & August 2020 to be not more than 60% of the turnover in June, July & August 2019.
There are further requirements but those mentioned above were the most important ones from my point of view.
If you should fulfill all those requirements, feel free to contact me so we could have a further discussion and maybe apply for that subsidy together.
2. “Neustartprämie” für Kulturschaffende und Publizist*innen – Restart help for artists and publishers (in Hamburg only)
There is another subsidy of 2.000 € (lump sum payment) available for persons who are
- resident in Hamburg (either personally or with your business address),
- mainly working as an artist (more than 50% of your income & more than 20 working hours a week; you are considered to be an artist if you are either member of KSK – Künstlersozialkasse – or are fulfilling the requirements of KSK),
- and who are in existential emergency situation due to the Corona crisis (so for example without the subsidy continuing your work would be endangered).
HERE you can find (in German, I’m sorry) FAQ about it and HERE you can send an application on your own until 2020-08-31 if you fulfill the criteria. In case of questions, I am happy to help you.