Patrick & Supporters

Patrick Kühl

they/them – nonbinary person.

Steuerberater*in and Dipl.-Finanzwirt*in (FH)

Grown up since 1987 in Neumünster (Northern Germany), Abitur (graduation from school) 2007, then studying to become a tax clerk until 2010.

Finally arrived in Hamburg, Diplom-Finanzwirt*in (diploma in taxation) since 2013, teacher for income taxation from 2014 until 2019, passed Steuerberaterprüfung (tax advisory exams) in 2017, registered self-employed Steuerberater*in (tax advisor) since 2019.

Again and again active in politics and as political activist – of course I am not forgetting about my work.

Refugees welcome – supporting BIPOC – queer-friendly – against nazis und patriotism.

Filomena Delgado Fortes

Bürokauffrau (which is the German title for office clerks) on the way of becoming an accountant.

Filomena is taking care of everything in the office that is not tax advisory, from keeping the office going until supporting in accountancy.